“Geographies of the World’s Knowledge”, our first publication on the theme of knowledge and Internet geographies was released as a booklet, a free interactive ibook, and a free interactive app for android devices.
Here you can find a list of some of our other relevant publications:
- Dittus, M., Wright, J., and Graham, M. 2018. Platform Criminalism: The ‘Last-Mile’ Geography of the Darknet Market Supply Chain. In Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference (WWW ’18). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 277-286. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3178876.3186094 (pre-publication version here)
- Zook, M. and Graham, M. 2018. Hacking Code/Space: Confounding the Code of Global Capitalism. Transactions of the Institute of British. 43 (3). 390-404. Geographers. 10.1111/tran.12228.
- Graham, M. 2018. Rethinking the Geoweb and Big Data: Future Research Directions. In Thinking Big Data in Geography: New Regimes, New Research. Thatcher, J., Eckert, J., and Shears, A. (eds). University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln. 231-236.
- Ballatore, A., Graham, M., and Sen, S. 2017. Digital Hegemonies: The Localness of Search Engine Results. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107(5) 1194-1215 DOI:10.1080/24694452.2017.1308240.
- Ojanperrä, A., Graham, M., Straumann, R., De Sabbata, S., and Zook, M. 2017. Engagement in the Knowledge Economy: Regional Patterns of Content Creation with a Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Information Technologies and International Development. 13. 33-51.
- Shaw, J and Graham, M. (eds). 2017. Our Digital Rights to the City. London: Meatspace Press.
- Blank, G., Graham, M., Calvino, C. 2017. Local Geographies of Digital Inequality. Social Science Computer Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439317693332
- Shaw, J. and Graham, M. 2017. An Informational Right to the City? Code, Content, Control, and the Urbanization of Information. Antipode. 49(4) 907-927. 10.1111/anti.12312
- Graham, M. 2017. Digitally Augmented Geographies. In Understanding Spatial Media. eds. Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. P., and Wilson, M. W. London: Sage. 44-55.
- Ford, H., and Graham, M. 2016. Semantic Cities: Coded Geopolitics and the Rise of the Semantic Web. In Code and the City. eds. Kitchin, R., and Perng, S-Y. London: Routledge. 200-214.
- Poorthuis, A., Zook, M., Shelton, T., Graham, M, and Stephens, M. 2016. Using Geotagged Digital Social Data in Geographic Research. In Key Methods in Geography. eds. Clifford, N., French, S., Cope, M., and Gillespie, T. London: Sage. 248-269.
- Ford, H. and Graham, M. 2016. Provenance, Power, and Place: Linked Data and Opaque Digital geographies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. doi:10.1177/0263775816668857 34(6). 957-970. (pre-publication version here).
- Graham, M., Straumann, R., Hogan, B. 2015. Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation in Wikipedia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 105(6) 1158-1178. doi:10.1080/00045608.2015.1072791.(pre-publication version here)
- Graham, M. 2015. Information Geographies and Geographies of Information New Geographies 7 159-166.
- Graham, M., De Sabbata, S., Zook, M. 2015. Towards a study of information geographies:(im)mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information Geo: Geography and Environment.2(1) 88-105. doi:10.1002/geo2.8
- Graham, M., Andersen, C., and Mann, L. 2015 Geographical Imagination and Technological Connectivity in East Africa. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40(3) 334-349. (pre-publication version here).
- Graham, M. 2015. Contradictory Connectivity: Spatial Imaginaries and Techno-Mediated Positionalities in Kenya’s Outsourcing Sector. Environment and Planning A 47 867-883 (pre-publication version here).
- Graham, M and De Sabbata, S. 2015 Mapping Information Wealth and Poverty: The Geography of Gazetteers. Environment and Planning A 47(6). 1254-1264. (pre-publication version here).
- Sen, S. W., Ford, H., Musicant, D. R., Graham, M., Keyes, O. S. B., Hecht, B. 2015 Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information. CHI 2015 (pre-publication version here).
- Allagui, I., Graham, M., and Hogan, B. 2015. Wikipedia Arabe et la Construction Collective du Savoir. In Wikipedia, objet scientifique non identifie. eds. Barbe, L., Merzeau, L., and Schafer, V. Paris: Presses Universitaries du Paris Ouest. 177-194.
- Zook, M., Graham, M., and Boulton, A. 2015. Crowd-sourced Augmented Realities: Social Media and the Power of Digital Representation. In Mediated Geographies International Handbook. eds. Mains, S., Cupples, J.,and Lukinbeal, C. New York: Springer. 223-242.
- Graham, M., Hogan, B., Straumann, R. K., and Medhat, A. 2014. Uneven Geographies of User-Generated Information: Patterns of Increasing Informational Poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(4). 746-764. (pre-publication version here)
- Graham, M. 2014 Inequitable Distributions in Internet Geographies: The Global South is Gaining Access But Lags in Local Content. innovations 9(3-4). 17-34.
- Shelton, T., Poorthuis, A., Graham, M,. and Zook, M. 2014. Mapping the Data Shadows of Hurricane Sandy: Uncovering the Sociospatial Dimensions of ‘Big Data’. Geoforum 52. 167-179. (open pre-publication version here).
- Graham, M. 2014. The Virtual Dimension. In Global City Challenges: debating a concept, improving the practice. eds. M. Acuto and W. Steele. London: Palgrave. (in press).
- Graham, M. 2014. The Knowledge Based Economy and Digital Divisions of Labour. In Companion to Development Studies, 3rd edition, eds V. Desai, and R. Potter. Hodder. 189-195. .
- Graham, M and T. Shelton 2013. Geography and the future of big data, big data and the future of geography. Dialogues in Human Geography 3(3) 255-261.
- Graham, M and M. Zook. 2013. Augmented Realities and Uneven Geographies: Exploring the Geo-linguistic Contours of the Web. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 77-99.
- Wilson, M and M. Graham. 2013. Guest Editorial: Situating Neogeography. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 3-9.
- Graham, M. 2013. Geography/Internet: Ethereal Alternate Dimensions of Cyberspace or Grounded Augmented Realities? The Geographical Journal 179(2) 177-182.
- Graham, M., M. Zook., and A. Boulton. 2013. Augmented Reality in the Urban Environment: contested content and the duplicity of code. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.38(3), 464-479.
- Graham, M., S. Hale & M. Stephens. 2011. Geographies of the World’s Knowledge. Convoco! Edition.
- Graham, M., S. Hale & M. Stephens. 2011. Eine Geographie Des Wissens Der Welt. Convoco! Edition.
- Graham, M. 2011. Wiki Space: Palimpsests and the Politics of Exclusion. In Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader. Eds. Lovink, G. and Tkacz, N. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 269-282.
- Graham, M. and M. Zook. 2011. Visualizing Global Cyberscapes: Mapping User Generated Placemarks. Journal of Urban Technology. 18(1), 115-132.
- Graham, M. 2010. Neogeography and the Palimpsests of Place. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 101(4), 422-436.